Audit processes
Our sustainability management system describes our operating processes. The system operates by firstly understanding our stakeholder needs and then planning how these will be satisfied. The elements of different Certification Services are then created and sold in combinations that match the customer's needs and the level of management system maturity. The solution is then delivered as planned before business results of effectiveness and efficiency are reviewed and any improvements actioned. This sustainability cycle is supported by key support processes that cover the management of IT, people, partners and money. SOCOTEC Certification Singapore does not have any processes where the service cannot be tested before use by the customer.

Key steps to certification

Certification Application
In the certification process, the client will first apply for certification using a certification form. He has to fill in a file with pre-required information. Then the certification body will process the admissibility of the file (this means that the body will assess whether it has the accreditations that meet the client's needs and whether it has auditors that meet these accreditations).

Contract Review & Plan
If the file is admissible, the body will send a contract, sign it and send an assignment order to the auditor who meets the criteria of the file.The choice of the date of the initial audit will then be defined with 2 parts: stage 1 and stage 2.

Stage 1 Audit
First, we gain an understanding of your business to assess whether your documented policy, objectives, continual improvement plans and procedures meet the requirements of MS standard. The readiness of your implementation programme is also assessed. (For GDPMDS certification, this audit is combined with stage 2 audit.)

Stage 2 Audit
Then we audit your MS in action, to check that your declared policy, objectives and targets have been effectively communicated, and that your continual improvement plans and procedures are working in practice. Certification is then awarded after successful closure of any outstanding issues.

Certificate Decision & Surveillance Audits
After you have achieved certification, we undertake regular ongoing audits of your MS to ensure that it is being maintained and that it continues to meet the objectives of your organization and the expectation of your customers.
The certificate is valid for 3 years. A re-certification audit is conducted on the full MS before the expiry of the certificate.
The granting of certification decision is made by SOCOTEC Certification Singapore’s Accreditation and Technical Committee. The granting of certification is made once all criteria have been met and adequately address the applicable requirements.
SOCOTEC Certification Singapore may refuse certification if the client organization does not meet applicable accreditation requirements and if the potential client organization is not a legal entity.
Suspension, Withdrawal, or Reduction of Scope of Certificates
Certification may be suspended if an organisation :
- Fails to maintain its management system or it contravenes the certification scheme regulations,
- Does not allow for surveillance or re-assessment audits to be perfomed in the prescribed time,
- Voluntarily requests suspension.
Procedures are maintained for the withdrawal and cancellation of certificates in these circumstances.
Withdrawal will normally be considered if there is no resolution to the issues raised that resulted in suspension and suspension has been in place for 6 months.
Alternatively, where an organisation has failed to adequately maintain its management system or it contravenes the certification scheme regulations in a part of its scope, SOCOTEC Certification Singapore may reduce the scope of certification accordingly.
Maintenance, Renewal and Extension of Certificates
Recertification audits have critical schedule timing requirements. If surveillance audits are delayed such that they are outside of the required tolerances then additional audit time may be required to compensate for the delay.
Reassessment audits also have critical schedule timing requirements:
- +/- 2 months from the target date,
- No less than 3 months before the expiry date of the certificate.
Conversely; it may be necessary to bring forward the recertification audit to meet client needs such as seasonal demands etc.; in these cases, the RA should ideally not be brought forward to more than 6 months prior to certificate expiry. However; each case will be considered independently based on the justification given.
Additional audit time may be required when a standard is updated to a new version or the client requires an extension to their current scope of certification.